Lars Holmdahl
updated 2016-08-26
"This web site is about product development based on modern theory and my experience"
This web site is about product development based on modern theory and my experience, as well as knowledge areas that support product development.
Further, books of interest are reviewed. Go directly to book reviews
Why does the logotype look that way?
Because it symbolices how it is the individual differences between us that make us all so valuable to one another.
My professional interests
Innovation technique and new product development, project management, complexity theory, organization theory, naturalistic decision making, and strategy that is the factor that ties the other together.
These interests are based in my experience of management and leadership in new product development, education, research & development, mechanical analysis, and business development.
Extended and revised:
Lean Product Development På Svenska 2.0
(in Swedish)
429 pages, 188*250 mm, 209 illustrations (48 in color), printed version is 2.0
ISBN 978-91-979196-2-3
From the back side text:
Lean Product Development (LPD) kallas den metod att utveckla nya bilar som man från väst har uppfattat att Toyota använder och som man anser ligger bakom Toyotas remarkabla framgångar. Toyota är inte bara världens största... läs mer.
Read the list of contents pdf.
Lean Product Development (LPD)
Our company internal courses usually comprise 1+1 day, and the external couses comprise 2+2 days
We have trained managers and development engineers from:
ABB - ABB Components - ABB Corporate Research - ABB Discrete Automation and Motion - ABB Oy, Drives - ABB Robotics - ABB Oy Motors and Generators - Alfa Laval Lund - ALMI - Alstom Grid Oy - Arate - Ascom - ASSA Abloy - Bayer Oy - Biohit Oy - CANEA - Carmel Pharma - Change Dynamics - Citerus - DeLaval International AB - Emballator Ulricehamns Bleck - Ericsson (Sweden, Canada, China) - ESAB - Finnveden Powertrain - GoodFocus Consulting - Gotmic AB - Halmstads Gummifabrik - Hella Lightning Finland Oy - HiQ - Holistic PD - IDC West Sweden AB - IRO - Know IT Management - Kraftelektronik - KraftPowercon - Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan - KTH Leancentrum - Linköpings universitet - Lunds tekniska högskola - MDH - Metso Oy, Automation - Mölnlycke Health Care - Nord-Lock - Noruna AB - Orbit One - Previa AB - Rolls-Royce - RUAG Space - Saab - Saab Aerostructures - Saab EDS - Safegate International - Sandvik - Sandvik Materials Technology - Sandvik Mining and Construction - Sandvik Tooling R&D Materials and Process - Sappi fine paper Europe Oy - Scania - SNA Europé - Stål & Verkstad - Stoneridge Electronics - Strömberg Consulting - Swegon - Swerea IVF AB - Systemair - Tampere Technical University - Transmode - Trebax - TRR Trygghetsrådet - Vaisala Oy - VINNOVA - Volvo 3P - Volvo Penta - Volvo Technology Corporation - VPM Struktur - UPM-Kymmene Wood Oy - Wärtsilä Industrial Operations - Wenell Management - Xdin
At the LPD course you will learn methods and tools that you can use imediately in your daily work. Further, you will get an understanding of LPD principles.
Dynamic product development methods..
....captures and make use of the latest created knowledge. The product specification develops with the product and you constantly adapt to shifting circumstance. Examples of dynamic methods are
+ Dynamic Product Development (DPD) pdf
+ Agile Programming
+ Lean Product Development (LPD)
Go directly to product development....
"Working papers"
In LPD we use the simplest information carrier imaginable, a paper in A3 format. We use A3s in order to "catch" and disseminate new knowledge, so that it can be reused. In this way we create a functioning knowledge management system:
- Seald Box Speaker pdf
- Screw torque pdf
- Screw torque, new method pdf
- Classic Transmission Line Loudspeakers pdf
- Raspberry Pi 3: Apache2 webserver running multiple websites off a USB stick pdf
- Raspberry Pi 3: Fileserver pdf
News letters on LPD
Read new and old newsletters (in Swedish) on LPD and neigbouring subjects veckobrev!
DPD rules of thumb
In dynamic development methods it has been found that rules of thumb are very important and very useful pdf.
Product Development
Sometimes one wants to print out a text and read it some place else. Download the contents under the tab Product Development as a pdf

New book: Visual Management in Lean Product Development (in English)
145 paes, 188*250 mm, 87 illustrations (37 in color)
ISBN 978-91-979196-1-6
This book is a subset and an extension of my previous book "LPD på Svenska" with a an emphasis on control of product development.
Some parts, such as visual planning, have been given a more detailed explanation.
List of contents pdf
Order the book
For price and buying options click order book.
You should know this: The book is digitally printed in small numbers. Each new printing is corrected, adjusted and suplemented with new klnowledge from my consulting practice and from new scientific descoveries.
Pennding version is 1.0.
Order the book
For price and buying options click order book.
You should know this: The book is digitally printed in small numbers. Each new printing is corrected, adjusted and suplemented with new klnowledge from my consulting practice and from new scientific descoveries.
Pennding version is 1.8.
Visual Management in Lean Product Development (in English)
145 pages, 188*250 mm, 87 illustrations whereof 37 in color
ISBN 978-91-979196-1-6
This book is a subset in English of my book in Swedish "LPD på Svenska 2.0" with a focus on management of product development.
View the list of contents pdf
Order the book
You can order the book by e-mail and pay against an invoice, but most convenient is to order and pay via PayPal. Order book.
This you should know: The book is digitally printed in small numbers. For each new printing, the text is corrected and updated based on my experience and new scientific knowledge.
Present version is 1.0